St. Winefride’s R.C. Independent School are the FIRST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL in Shropshire to gain the Safer Schools Accreditation.

The School was presented with its Safer Schools Certificate and Plaque by Councillor Ann Hartley, Chairman of Shropshire Council and Ian Bartlett, Shropshire Council Crime Prevention Officer at a special School Assembly last week.

‘Safer Schools’ is a security initiative created by Shropshire Council and the West Mercia Police which involves sensible and realistic practices to promote the safety of children, staff and premises.

Pictured are Councillor Ann Hartley, Ian Bartlett, Sr. M. Felicity, Headmistress, Mrs. A. Hewings, Teacher, Head Boy Jake Hopkins and Head Girl Olivia Jarvis.

We would like to thank the pupils and the parents for their help in completing various surveys and for their constructive comments.

We are very proud to display our Safer Schools Plaque by the School Main Entrance and the Certificate in the Entrance Hall.

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