Spotted at the recent Shrewsbury Town FC v Ipswich game was Jayden, from our Year 4 class. He was there not to watch football, but with his Dad, raising awareness and supporting the local Shrewsbury Food Hub charity.

Shrewsbury Food Hub provides food to 56 groups – including Barnabas Community Projects, The Ark, Severn Hospice and organisations providing mental health support, 11 schools, 11 youth clubs, 4 Age UK day centres, playgroups and children’s sports clubs. 

Jayden and his father give up most of their Saturday mornings, from 7.30am, to collect food from local stores and deliver the supplies to the Food Hub, where it is then distributed. He does this all, of course, always with his infectious smile!

Well done, Jayden, we are proud of you – you are a constant inspiration to others.

More information on Shrewsbury Food Hub can be found here:

Vote for the Shrewsbury Food Hub to win  £20k of funding here:

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