House Points Shield – Autumn Term 2021

This term has been very competitive. During the first week, St. Mary’s started racing ahead, with a total of 158 points! As the first few weeks passed, each house, including St. Alkmund’s, (who had been last!) gained more momentum and this meant Holy Cross leapt into first place. St. Chad’s had a somewhat chaotic term, coming from last place, to pushing to second place in week five, then leading the points in week eight.

This term’s house points race has come to an end with all houses close in points.

In fourth place are St. Alkmund’s on 2284 points. In third place are St. Chad’s on 2235. Holy Cross are second on 2678. This means that St. Mary’s, who came through very strongly at the finish, are in first place on 2693 points.

By Ariadne and Heidi, School House Points Monitors.

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