At the start of this term, we talked about our ‘new’ School Values of Kindness, Care, Respect and Unity. These values are based on our School Ethos, our Catholic Values, and also on our School Mission Statement, which states we emphasise kindness, care and mutual respect. Our whole School Community have really embraced these School Values of Kindness, Care, Respect and Unity. It was been wonderful to see our children exhibiting these values in School.

Our Head and Deputy Head Boys and Girls have written this:

Last year, as a class, with Mr. Goody, we talked about what makes our School so special. We talked about our School Values of respect, care and kindness from our Mission Statement. Our class then wanted to add unity to these values – which is in the word community. We wanted to add unity, as we all feel connected at our School as one big family. Year 6 decided to create designs for our values, based on El Salvador Crosses, which we looked at in class. Our drawings and were then digitised into designs by Mr. Keeling. Our Values Crosses have been spread throughout School, so everyone knows what our values are.

Thank you to Year 6 and Mr. Keeling for designing our Values Crosses.

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