This year we entered our Year 3s and 4s for the Bookfest Creative Writing Competition.

Although younger than our previous entrants, our pupils rose magnificently to the challenge. Despite having to juggle their creative writing with play rehearsals and performances, each of them has become the proud owner of their very own, unique book, complete with illustrated cover, imaginative story, blurb, author autobiography, dedication and, of course, name of the publishing house and price.
We offer our warm congratulations to Farrow, who received a Highly Commended and Best in School Award from the Bookfest judges. At our Bookfest Assembly last Friday, Floss, Margaux, Romeo and Isabella also received prizes as Mrs Deards, Mrs Ward and Mrs Beyers wanted to recognise their exceptional dedication and hard work. Well done Year 3s and 4s – you should be very proud of yourselves!

Mrs Beyers

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