Author Tim Tilley has been called “the creator of a modern classic” with the publication of his debut novel, ‘Harklights’. His book is one of six interesting titles shortlisted for the Shropshire Bookfest Book Award 2022 which our Year 5 and 6 classes are currently reading and exploring. 

A few days ago, Year 5 and Year 6 were surprised and delighted to receive a letter from him. Included with his letter, was a special print of one of the illustrations in ‘Harklights’, for Tim is not only a talented author but also a creative illustrator. Having studied illustration at university, he now runs some of the courses in illustration at City Lit in London, specialising in children’s books.

Some of our Year 6 class have written to Tim to show their interest in and enjoyment of ‘Harklights’.

Our Year 5s are in the process of writing to Tim, as they too, have thoroughly enjoyed reading this sensitive, unusual book which combines and explores themes of magic and conservation. On his website Tim says: “For me, stories are doorways into different worlds” and he has certainly succeeded in transporting our St. Winefride’s readers into a magical one. We wish him every success in his writing career and hope that this is the first of many worlds he creates through his writing.

Mrs Beyers


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