Over the last couple of weeks, the whole school have been working hard on making some wonderful Easter bonnets and Easter Gardens. Each class had its own winner and we are certain that the winners are pleased with their prize – a massive Easter egg that’s easily bigger than their head.

Everyone who entered did a wonderful job and gave Mrs Devey the extremely difficult job of picking one winner per class.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t pick everyone but we think we can all agree that these people deserved to win:

J4: Lucy

J3: Cillian

J2: Charlie L

J1: Guy

Infants 3: Gabriel

Infants 2: Harriett

Infants 1: Gabriel

Kindergarten: Trixie

We have to thank Mrs Devey for organising this event, we would also like to thank the Friends of St. Winefride’s who provided each pupil with an enjoyable Easter egg to take home. Last but not least, we have to thank all of the children who spent their own time making some fantastic gardens and bonnets. We hope that everyone enjoyed making their beautiful creations.

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!

Written by Tristan and Caitlin, Head Boy & Head Girl.


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