As a treat at the end of the year, our Junior 4 class enjoyed a two day residential trip to the Longmynd and the Caradoc.

On day one, we all had a go at some archery, with the fab Longmynd Archers, then headed to  the scenic Longmynd Adventure Camp, where the children enjoyed taking part in craft activities (creating a sculpture for our School Peace Garden), some initiative games (involving egg drops!), and of course, settling into our bunkhouses! A busy day ended with us all eating our evening meal together on tables ‘al fresco'(!), an impromptu open air performance, under the trees, of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and then a camp fire, complete with toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate.

The next day, after an early start and a big breakfast, saw us meet Don, our mountain leader, for a hike through countryside, before we climbed right up to the top of Caer Caradoc, where we stopped to eat our lunch.

Our pupils were fantastic, clearly enjoying the spectacular views from the top on such a sunny and clear day and learning all about the local habitat from our mountain leader guide, Don. The ice-creams, back in the valley, at the end of the walk, were a nice finish to a wonderful couple of days and were very welcome on a hot day!

Well done and thank you to all the staff who joined us, and of course, our wonderful J4. It was fun!

Please click here for more information on Longmynd Adventure Camp, a registered charity, run by volunteers for the benefit of young people. Thank you.

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