Book-fever ran high at St.Winefride’s from the moment that our copies of the  shortlisted books for the Big Book Award arrived in October last year. Our J3 and J4 classes read and discussed the six very different books in class and the library and, shortly before voting took place, Mrs. Ali McGowan from the Bookfest Steering Committee led a though-provoking question and answer session in the library. All our senior pupils also participated in the competitions based on the books, which made the Award Ceremony at Theatre Severn on 27th April particularly exciting. We were delighted when Cici Farmer (J3) was awarded the overall 1st Prize in the Art Competition and Douglas Stewart the Best in School Prize for his letter to the author of ‘They Didn’t Teach This in Worm School’. The author of ‘The Legend of Podkin One-Ear’, Kieran Larwood, was the delighted winner of this very prestigious award. We look forward very much to participating in the next Big Book Award in 2020!

Mrs N Beyers, Librarian.  

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